UNKNOWN FAMILIARS. The Vienna Insurance Group Collection

VIG © Wiener Städtische Wechselseitiger Versicherungsverein – Vermögensverwaltung – Vienna Insurance Group

256 pages
24 x 32 cm | Softcover
209 colour illustration

  2. -+
  3. EUR 38,00


Editor: Wiener Städtische Wechselseitiger Versicherungsverein – Vermögensverwaltung – Vienna Insurance Group

Authors: Philippe Batka, Vanessa Joan Müller


To mark the 200-year anniversary of Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein, the main shareholder of the Vienna Insurance Group, the Leopold Museum, as a long-standing partner, presents a comprehensive exhibition that brings together highlights from all six of the Group’s collections for the first time. Unknown Familiars. The Vienna Insurance Group Collections presents carefully selected works from the companies’ holdings in Austria, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Latvia. The medially diverse presentation occupies an entire museum floor and brings together more than 200 works of various genres from different eras. Young, contemporary art encounters the modernism of the interwar period; the avant-garde of the 1970s meets important positions in current Austrian art.

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