Salon Leopold Sujet 2025 © Leopold Museum, Wien


The purpose of Salon Leopold is to offer uncomplicated access to art, open discussions, explore Vienna as a place of production of contemporary art, and deepen the understanding of the remarkable collection of the Leopold Museum to the younger generation (up to max. 40 years old). As a member of Salon Leopold, you invest in the future of this institution and support our research as well as the expansion of the exhibition and art education programs.

Advantages of Salon Leopold

  • Numerous events inside and outside the museum: expert-guided tours, visits to private collections and artist studios, gallery tours, excursions, and art trips
  • Receptions and previews, as well as visits to art fairs
  • Enjoy an exchange in a relaxed after-work atmosphere with our art-loving network
  • Welcome goodie bag
  • An annual pass: year-round free entry to the Leopold Museum without waiting in line at the ticket counter
  • Free participation in all public tours at the Leopold Museum

Becoming a member

The minimum annual contribution for members is EUR 300,00*. This contribution supports the exhibition and art education programmes directly.

 Register as a company       Register as an individual

*The amount of this contribution to Leopold Museum Wien exceeding EUR 80,00 per person is tax-deductible in Austria as business expenses for companies according to § 4a Abs. 4 lit b EStG 1988 respectively as special expenses for private individuals according to § 18 Abs. 1 Z 7 EStG 1988.

Pursuant to the change in tax regulations effective since 1.1.2017, the deduction for donations by private individuals will be applied automatically in the course of the annual tax assessment. In order for the automatic tax deduction for your contribution to be processed correctly, your date of birth and social security number must be submitted to the tax authorities by the Leopold Museum.

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