New Objectivity in Germany



  • CHRISTIAN SCHAD, Maika, 1929 © Private Collection, Photo: Benjamin Hasenclever, Munich © Christian Schad Stiftung, Aschaffenburg/Bildrecht, Wien 2024
  • KARL HOFER, Tiller-Girls, before 1927 © Kunsthalle Emden Photo: bpk/Kunsthalle Emden/Martinus Ekkenga © Bildrecht, Wien 2024
  • GEORGE GROSZ,Gray Day, 1921 © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Neue Nationalgalerie, acquired by the State of Berlin in 1954 Photo: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie/Andres Kilger © Estate of George Grosz, Princeton, N.J./Bildrecht, Wien 2024
  • RUDOLF SCHLICHTER, Margot, 1924 © Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin Photo: Michael Setzpfandt, Berlin © Viola Roehr von Alvensleben, Munich
  • FELIX NUSSBAUM, Organ Grinder, 1942/43 © Felix-Nussbaum-Haus im Museumsquartier Osnabrück, Leihgabe der Niedersächsischen Sparkassenstiftung Photo: Museumsquartier Osnabrück/Photo: Christian Grovermann, Osnabrück
  • OTTO DIX, The Madwoman, 1925 © Kunsthalle Mannheim, Photo: bpk/Kunsthalle Mannheim © Bildrecht, Wien 2024
  • LOTTE LASERSTEIN, The Tennis Player, 1929 © Private Collection Photo: Lotte-Laserstein-Archiv Krausse, Berlin © Bildrecht, Wien 2024
  • GRETHE JÜRGENS, Hairdressing Mannequin Heads, 1927 © Private Collection Photo: Benjamin Hasenclever, Munich © Heide Jürgens-Hitz
  • HANS GRUNDIG, Student with Red Hat, c. 1925–28 © Private Collection Photo: Courtesy Villa Grisebach Berlin © Bildrecht, Wien 2024
  • OTTO GRIEBEL, The Ship’s Stoker, 1920 © Private Collection Photo: Christian Wirth, Munich © Matthias Griebel, Dresden
  • MAX BECKMANN, Double Portrait, 1923 © Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main Photo: Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main

The catalogue is available at the Leopold Museum Shop.

  • Ausstellungsansicht "Glanz und Elend. Neue Sachlichkeit in Deutschland" © Leopold Museum, Wien | Foto: Jonas Thiller
  • Ausstellungsansicht "Glanz und Elend. Neue Sachlichkeit in Deutschland" © Leopold Museum, Wien | Foto: Jonas Thiller
  • Ausstellungsansicht "Glanz und Elend. Neue Sachlichkeit in Deutschland" © Leopold Museum, Wien | Foto: Jonas Thiller
  • Ausstellungsansicht "Glanz und Elend. Neue Sachlichkeit in Deutschland" © Leopold Museum, Wien | Foto: Jonas Thiller
  • Ausstellungsansicht "Glanz und Elend. Neue Sachlichkeit in Deutschland" © Leopold Museum, Wien | Foto: Jonas Thiller
  • Ausstellungsansicht "Glanz und Elend. Neue Sachlichkeit in Deutschland" © Leopold Museum, Wien | Foto: Jonas Thiller
  • LEOPOLD MUSEUM | GLANZ UND ELEND. Neue Sachlichkeit in Deutschland | Trailer

  • LEOPOLD MUSEUM | Glanz und Elend. Neue Sachlichkeit in Deutschland | Ausstellung

CHRISTIAN SCHAD, Self-Portrait with Model, 1927 © Tate: Lent from a Private Collection 1994 Photo: Benjamin Hasenclever, Munich © Christian-Schad-Stiftung Aschaffenburg/Bildrecht, Wien 2024

The ramifications of World War I called for new depictions of reality in art. The  resignation, accusations and indescribable hardship that characterized this time on the one hand, and the hope, longings and emerging zest for life of the “Golden Twenties’” on the other, found expression in a new type of art – one that was unsentimental, sober, specific and purist; one that described the world in an objective, realistic manner. Artists including Max Beckmann, Heinrich Maria Davringhausen, Otto Dix, George Grosz, Karl Hubbuch, Grethe Jürgens, Lotte Laserstein, Felix Nussbaum, Gerta Overbeck, Christian Schad, Rudolf Schlichter and many others, captured the zeitgeist on canvas and paper. This, the first comprehensive exhibition of German New Objectivity in Austria, follows on from the Leopold Museum’s previous presentations The Twilight of Humanity (2021) and Hagenbund. From Moderate to Radical Modernism (2022), which both highlighted tendencies of New Objectivity.




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